Original oil pastel pet portrait service for Mary Ann Goldberg to create a 8”x10”original, hand rendered oil pastel drawing of pet, drawn from your professional quality color photograph.

  • Original unframed pet portrait. You will receive an original, un-matted, un-framed pet portrait rendered with high quality oil pastels on pastel paper.
  • Nominal size. The portrait will nominally be 8in x 10in; however, depending on the cropping of the original photograph and other artistic considerations, the dimensions of the final work of art may be smaller.
  • Client-pet meaning statement. You may submit a short paragraph describing the pet and relationship with the pet as well as any visual features you consider important (“floppy ears,” “cute nose,” “reddish color,” etc.).

Payable upon receipt by cash, check, or credit card. Engagement starts upon receipt of payment and approved photograph. Contact nary511@sbcglobal.net or call 217-621-5078 with questions or concerns.